Product Description
The most common and enjoyable feature that you pinch on limestone has to be tufa-like features, they come in all sizes and is a usually a thin line of rock formed on the surface of a limestone wall by hundreds of years of water running down the face depositing calcite, for shear climbing pleasure!
With this set of pinches we took away the hundreds of years, and designed a set of holds mimicking these tufas. The design is somewhat stylized, but is representative of the feeling you get when climbing on them.
The set of 10 pinches are generally positive, and vary in pinch width, angle, and finger-to-thumb height, that is, the height from the wall surface to the thumb in relation to the fingers varies i.e. not all the pinches are such that you would pinch them like a lobster! The aspect in changing the pinch hand position, in relation to the wall, will undoubtedly aid route setting creativity, training, and the overall feeling of the climb on-route.
They also have two screw holes dedicated for more precise positioning e.g. competition route setting.